Theme: What does it mean?
Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 7:26PM
Soulful Wedding Ceremonies

     Today I met with a couple to plan their June wedding ceremony. Towards the end of our visit the groom said that he wanted "a short, but meaningful ceremony with a theme."

     The word, 'theme' is from German 'thema' meaning 'what is laid down.' As in foundation?  What is the ground on which this relationship rests? What is the re-occurring or identifying thread of the story? If this couple's love story had a theme song what would it be? As I worked on their ceremony I found myself humming the Paul McCartney song, "The long and winding road that leads to your door."  The poetry of Wendell Berry and the last line of John O'Donohue's  'Blessing for Marriage' also came to mind,

                                               "May love bring you home to each other."

      I believe it's my job to listen for the theme;to sense the thematic thread,to perceive in the story what is being laid down, like a good guitar riff and hope I get it right.

(Someday I'll share the time I didn't get it right, well not down to the finest tuned details. You know what some writers say:Pesky facts should never get in the way of a good story. But not every couple wants their ceremony to become a work of historical fiction. There were several other factors that threw me off my game that fateful day, such as a raging sinus infection, the oppressive heat and then the thunderous rain cloud that unleashed a downpour just as the "I do's" were being said." A day best left to silence it turns out. But I'll wait until I am completely booked to share that story in more detail. It is a story that could readily be themed,

The Return of Mr. Bean.





Article originally appeared on Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (
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