Love Prevails- Wedding Ceremonies on Cape Cod
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 8:15PM
Soulful Wedding Ceremonies in Beach Weddings, Borsari Gallery, Cape Cod Weddings, Celebrants, Ministers, Red Jacket Resorts, Spring Weddings on Cape Cod, Wedding Officiants, Wedding Officinats, Wedding ceremony

This Cape Cod Wedding Ceremony celebrant/officiant /interfaith minister is getting excited about Spring and Summer weather and the blossoming of brides and grooms ready to wed on this sandy peninsula we call home. Welcome to the Cape Cod Wedding Season! 

And love does prevail ....I had a wedding at Wychmere Harbor last Saturday April 20th. On Friday at the rehearsal we were all still on high alert after the week of the Boston Marathon mayhem. Most everyone including the Bride and Groom were Bostonians. At the wedding on Saturday spirits were high, there was a sense of some relief and a round of applause broke out after the reading "and the greatest of these is LOVE!"  Love prevails! Whenever I get a little sad or worried about the future I look at these photos, I think about my son, my nieces and nephews (all terrific 20 somethings) and my hope and joy and gratitude is restored. LOVE PREVAILS !


Update on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 9:45AM by Registered CommenterSoulful Wedding Ceremonies
One Spirit Community of Sacred Practice
A Daily Practice of Sacred Reading & Meditation

May 9

Confidence in our innate potential to be loving human beings empowers the cultivation of [loving kindness]. Our potential to love is very real and is somehow not destroyed, no matter what we experience: all of the mistakes we might make, all of the times that we are caught in reaction, all of the times we have caused pain, all of the times we have suffered. Throughout everything, our potential to love remains intact and pure.

-Sharon Salzberg, Loving Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness

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