Pure love is matchless in majesty- Love in the time of ......
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 10:13AM
Soulful Wedding Ceremonies

Wow Summer 2020 the best of times the worst of times. Best how? you might ask. We whittle down to the essentials and find that love prevails. A quote from Meher Baba:

Pure love is matchless in majesty, it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel.

We know now that gathering together inside, in big groups, is taunting a virus that taints our air. Now we know that if we must marry on for any number of good reasons we must party on some time next year. So many dashed plans, so many re-arrangements, so many recalibrations of emotional pitch and energy. It is exhausting. I support and admire all my couples who are showing common sense for the common good. Thank you!

Don and Jennifer enter the country of marriage. (Is it ten years ago?)

 Justin and Allison crossing the threshold of life becoming husband and wife! (2018?)


Before spring of 2019 these weddings seems like a carefree time with no masks, no underlying fear of spread of something other than the love vib. The truth is weddings are stressful in the best of times but we will never take for granted so much again. These are the days and we must care more for each other and less about our unmet expectations of how it should be. 


You are now essential to one another. In uncertian times you become each other's one sure thing. It can be about the party later and oh what a celebration we shall have!!!!!!! 

Pavel and Annie dip at their wedding at the Cape Cod Cultural Center 

Love carries on; it is the contagious remedy.

Be safe, be sweet and remain essential to each other. - Rev. Kate

(Next entry will be more practical in nature. I will describe safe options for cermonies.Paring down to essentials, wearing masks and also let's push for more rapid testing so the essential need to gather together can be safe. Pure love will pull us through.)

Rev. Kate 








Article originally appeared on Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (http://soulfulceremonies.squarespace.com/).
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