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    Entries in Wedding Celebrants (13)


    Your Wedding Vows: The Soul of your Ceremony.

     Meghan and Jeff say I Do at the Providance Library last February. What a beautiful indoor venue and the family provided such meaningful Greek touches as the Exchange of Crowns.


    The ceremony is the heart of your wedding day and I like to think of the vows as the soul of your ceremony. A big-hearted wedding ceremony always gives not only the two of you an infusion of love but allows your guests to share in the happiness of the moment. The vows are really more about the two of you and what you are about to do. A deeply felt promise to be faithful and true. 

    It is in the alchemy of the moment which cannot to forced or coerced or even captured. The reactions of the bride and groom as they take their vows are varied and often surprising: from giddy to stunned, sincere to numb, to emotional soulful fun.

    I always include in the ceremony these words before the vows:

    The Meaning of Marriage by Wendell Berry

    The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of words. We cannot join ourselves to one another without giving our word. And this must be an unconditional giving, for joining ourselves to one another, we join ourselves to the unknown…you do not know the road; you have committed your life to a way.

    and that way is with each other.....

    The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of our word.....

    Vows are a promise a giving of our word to fidelity to love. So on the days where love is more of a decision than a passionate feeling we can remember what we have given our word to ......

    When couples are writing their own vows I also include a more taditional 'I do' vow so they can be more free- form in their words to each other. 

    Often when a couple decides to write their own vows,one of them is worried that they aren't as articulate as the other. They ask me to help and if they have already filled the second page of the wedding questionnaire I have sent them, which contains such questions as, "What do you most appreciate about each other?  What does commitment mean to you? what is at the heart of your love story? "  I can cull from their reponses words of praise and promise. Then they are off and running, ready to write.


     In this photo the bride surprised her groom with a written vow on the white board behind us. She thought she would be too emotional to speak. As I recall the groom was the one who was moved to tears when he read her words.

    This wedding was in the wine cellar at Borsari Gallery in Dennis. It is  such a wonderful atmosphere for a soulful, heartfelt wedding ceremonies.

    So for those of you who are a bit shy we can always find a way to make your ceremony feel safe and warm while remaining soulful, heartfelt and even fun!



    This Cape Cod Wedding officiant/celebrant/interfaith minister

      just finished her last scheduled wedding ceremony for 2014. Welcome to all unscheduled recently engaged or soon to be engaged couples. I'm ready and willing. This last weekend the bride and groom planned their wedding in two months with the help of Emily Coulter on Martha's Vineyard. What they couldn't plan for was the Nor'easter that blew in....but it shows so much about how a couple deals with things that are out of their control and love prevails ...and is victorious! We came inside and did the ceremony in front of the stone hearth. The guests cuddled in and welcomed this great couple into The Country of Marriage. I can't wait to see the photos.

    For now I will share this photo that I just received. Happy One Month Anniversary for Siobhan and Jay!


                         'V for victory' from Siobhan and Jay 's Wedding Day at Blithewold Mansion

                                                                           Oct 3rd, 2014

                                                                         Love always wins.



    The Processional: HERE COMES THE BRIDE!



    The Princess Bride


     I just love this photo of Teruka after she said, "I do" to Anthony Joseph last May at Land's End Inn. It was taken by the amazing Julia Cumes and captures such a perfect moment for this bride in all her nuptial glory! Gorgeous from head to toe!




    September Wedding in Orleans 




    This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant /Celebrant / Interfatih Minister was so happy to see photos from Ed and Ellen's Wedding . They are the sweetest most sincere and heartflet couple. When I was leaving the Orleans Inn Parking lot after the smile -filled ceremony Ed, the groom  came running up to me with a huge pumpkin in his hands. This spontaneous gesture says it all. He is so grateful for his beautiful wife ,

    Ellen  "and his good heallth and a long life in the company of friends and family."


    Thank you for these beautiful photos from Jonathon Daisy Photography.