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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Good Decisions


    One of my favorite father of the bride speeches was so simple and so spot on.

    "My daughter, as an adult, has always made good decisions. Her marrying Colin is definately one of them."

    I found it simple yet profound. It is the most adult of decisions one can make. Choosing the person with whom you will live out all the days of your life. The person to whom you give your word and promise to be faithful.

    What a crazy concept in this day and age. We all know too well that things happen, people change or don't change and vows are broken. This does not diminish the simple but profound truth that giving and recieving trust is essential on your wedding day. 




    For Huggers and Gatherers

    it has been a rough couple of years. Many of us managed to gather safely. There is always the warning voice of the nurse in me balanced out by the wedding celebrant and convivialist.

    Weddings allow the 'hugger gatherer' in us to flourish. The two weddings I did in the midst of covid, before being vaccinated, I was masked and 6ft apart even when we were outside. Wow weird I did not realize how much a smile conveys. I developed a namaste curtsy that warded off hugs making the most of a necessary but awkward situation.

     I love gathering. I love hugs and celebrations. I am ready. Let's see if I can  make this a time for discerning embraces and safe gatherings.  Now we know how precious and how grateful we are to be together again.  





    Wedding for Wendy and Scott last Christmas at Daniel Webster Inn. So cozy and sincere.



    PS I am allowing myself to blather on about a wider arrange of subjects on this blog. The soulnurse and writer are hankering for some attention. So ALLOWING for fuller expression is a part of this new year adventure.


    More and more Harmony in 2023


    Autumn Weddings


    As Spring unfolds the dreams of earth.....