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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Photo Acknowledgement: Julia Cumes and September Weddings

    On Wednesday, September 7th  I had the great pleasure of working with the photographer,

    Julia Cumes at a 'Just the Two Of Us' wedding at LeCount Hollow Beach.

    It was a morning ceremony and the rains abated long enough for a beautiful mist to sweep down the dunes onto the beach.  A seal popped up from between the braking waves to provide his or her benediction as the couple exchanged their vows. There was a mystical feel to the proceedings that I know Julia will capture in her photos. I can't wait to see them.


    Julia Cumes photos can be seen on this very website for she was the photographer for Ben and Kat's wedding which also took place in September, between rain storms, on a mist-bathed  bay beach just about a year ago.

    As Wendell Berry says in his poem, Country of Marriage "And the dark is richer than the light provided we stay brave enough to keep going in." 


    Two Texas Beauties who braved Hurricane Irene to Wed at First Encounter 




    Chatham Bars Inn Beach Wedding: A photo and poem-worthy couple

    This Cape Cod Interfaith Wedding Officiant, namely me, Kate or Kathleen, got a kick out of the photo below. This couple was having a good time and observers of all ages were welcome. Liz was literally kicking up her heels at her post ceremony photo shoot at Chatham Bars Inn. Mike let his tie go awry in the wind. It was great working with CBI and Allison Lisette of Elegant Engagements. This  couple's proposal story was definately poem -worthy; how could it not be when dirty martinis figured predominantly in the telling of their tale.