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    « Bedouin Beach Wedding: Just the Two of Us Way Out on Ballston Beach | Main | Standing on Ceremony »

    What is this Standing on Ceremony?

    Whether it is just the two of you on a sandy expanse or at an upscale venue with a huge guest list  there is some 'standing on ceremony' that is inherent in a wedding ceremony. What does this mean.... this standing on ceremony? It is a feeling more than an action, an atmosphere of an inner grace merging with a greater power of love sometimes only witnessed by the elements and your celebrant . Something happens. Almost beyond words; it can't be choreographed or scripted.

    Before your big day it is good to mull over just how you feel about standing on ceremony. Is it something that comes naturally to you? Has your family always been celebratory types? It is a balancing act . The bride and groom are not performers. They are not on stage. They are participating in an ancient rite of passage. This does not need to be solemn nor does it lend itself to a free form haphazardness. It is that beautiful balancing act made up of equal parts enthusiasm and equipose. As the writer John O'Donohue says,

     "to be natural is to be holy." 

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