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    Saying YES at Popponnessett: A Marriage- let's Bless It

    Ode to Sarah and Evan: September 7th 2012

    Giving Voice to Love (Boy meets girl- girl likes boy- Let's all jump for joy.) 



    ...........no more the shy, lanky boy, no need to look farther (fartha)

    And what a perfect excuse to connect,

     the return of Nomar Garciaparra.

    So Sarah and Evan met for Sushi, at dinner

     her hand shook like a tuna fin,

    in the parking lot saying goodnight,

     Evan knew, he wanted to see her again,         

    Sarah sensing his distress she put the question to rest,

     on his nervous lips she planted a kiss,

    never again would an opportunity be missed .

    One year and a half later in that same parking lot,  

     down on one knee, Evan asked his Sarah,

     “Will you marry me?”

    And I guess she said, “YES!”

    Or we wouldn’t be here at Popponesset,

      a marriage to bless.

    So let’s all give a big Hip, Hip Hooray

    Evan and Sarah are married today!!!!



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