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    « Another Bride, another June, another Sunny ? Honeymoon..... | Main | Happy anniversary and congratulations »

    The Season: 2012

    The wedding season began in earnest this weekend  for this Cape Cod Wedding Officiant / Interfaith Minister. The first was at Wequassett Resort , ' The Crescent on the Water.' ( Wamponoag)

    Followed by a trip to Martha's Vineyard  to preside on the right fork of the South Beach at the Winnetu Oceanside Resort. ( I didn't find out what this Native American name meant so if any of you readers know, please let me know.)

    Both couples were completely 'poem -worthy.' Their stories funny and telling of who they are and what they mean to one another. The first couple, Chris and Jackie regaled me with hilarious stories of their courtship. Same went for the second couple, Laura and Marc, who were very laid back, "non-ceremonial" as Roderick at the Winnetu put it. They didn't even have a rehearsal despite the fact that they had 9 groomsmen and 9 bridesmaids. (The bridesmaids wore the most adorable buttercup yellow dresses which turned out to be the color dress Laura was wearing when she met Marc.) Both the ceremonies came off without a hitch reflecting the differing styles of the two couples. The weather, which can be tricky in May, was ideal for outdoor weddings. ( By without a hitch I mean smoothly running resulting in both couples actually getting happily hitched.)

    Chris's father said this about his new daughter- in- law, Laura.

    "As soon as they met, she brought out the love in him."


    At both venues the events coordinators were so helpful, seamlessly moving the celebration along.

    Thanks so much to Renee at Wequassett and Michaela at the Winnetu.

    Hope to share some pictures soon.



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