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    Soulfully Wed in Sonoma County 

    October has begun with a glorious Glen Ellen wedding. At this time of harvest the golden hills of Sonoma County are lined with ruby tinged rows of grape arbors heavy with fruit. What a time and place to wed. As the groom said when I asked, "Why now?"

     "This is my favorite season. It is such a crucial and colorful time of year."

    Crucial because the harvesting must be at precisely the right time for the grapes to make the best wine. When the sweetness and tannins have reached the perfect balance and before the next rains fall.

    Divine timing, when two people fall in love and decide to unite their lives in marriage. As they bring themselves into balance with one another, as well as blend two fine heritages into a sensational meritage. So it was with this wedding at Jack London State Park at the winery ruins. The stone work felt like a natural fortress as the call of the wild swept over us in the form of a feisty wind. That swirling breeze let us feel the presence of those who were absent.

    Here comes the bride: her natural beauty and elegance and her father's "unconditional love" and pride prompting applause. The shadows of the guests blessing this moment with such sweet support. My husband took this photo, there will be more to follow. I want to share this Sonoma Mountain High, that we are all still on, since Alli and Louis wed.


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