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    Entries in Cape Cod Destination Wedding (1)


    September: the new June for Weddings on Cape Cod

     For this Cape Cod Wedding Officiant/ Celebrant/ Minister, September has been a very busy month. Such a spectacular time to wed on Cape Cod. Gone is the traffic but the lovely weather remains.

    On September 7th I had two weddings, nicely spread apart in time and close by. This is the only way I  book more than one ceremony in a day. I learned this the hard way, as a rookie celebrant, when I was late, caught in Cape Cod traffic- never again.

    The first wedding of September was an intimate beach wedding at Ocean Edge Resort right down the street  in Brewster. I had never met Jason and Lauren before the wedding but we had great conversation by phone and I felt comfortable writing them a poem.

    Sometimes when I am running in the woods of Nickerson State Park I get inspired.  Imagry and or lines from what the couple has written about each other and their story spark a little poem or what I call, 'An Ode.'  I wish I could say it's the Irish bard in me but more likely, it's because I'm so full of malarkey!)

    Here is a snippet and some photos by Stacie Kirkwood. It was so nice to re-connect with Stacie. Here is her blog and more photos.http://www.staciekirkwoodblog.com/


     from  An Ode to Jason and Lauren


    Like a schooner letting out her sails

     Love alone prevails. 

     So as this darling couple takes their nuptial pledge,

     Here beside the bay at Ocean’s Edge

     Let’s all give a hip, hip hooray

     Lauren and Jason

     Are married today!