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    Entries in Winter Weddings on Cape Cod (2)


    Winter Wonderland Weddings

    Soon it will be Happy Anniversary to Michael and Miranda as they approach their one year wedding anniversary. 

    Yes, that is snow on the beach. This was last February 1st -note the pink slippers. Julia Cumes, friend and photographer, took this winter wonderland photo. 


    This Cape Cod Wedding officiant awaits the return of the the light ...

    though we have been blessed on Cape Cod with beautiful late, late autumn weather. I was digging in the soft earth today getting the last of my bulbs in the ground and transplanting hardy palms and hydrangeas- Amazing! Now winter solstice is soon to arrive and the return of the light. I met with a darling couple last weekend and will be conversing with another couple who are planning their 2016 wedding. Many of you will become engaged during this holiday season and I look forward to hearing from you two,too!

    Erika and Adam say a cozy "I do." at Chatham Bars Inn last winter .