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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    A Sunny May Wedding: Carriage House at Ocean Edge 

    This beautiful bride, Lila, and her handsome groom, Joshua,  were totally composed as their sweet wedding was under way. The Carriage House at Ocean Edge Resort in Brewster was the perfect setting and Rhonwell Churchill's photography captured the brightness and lightness of the nuptial moment.When Lila first called she claimed that she and her fiancee were "shy." They sure didn't seem that way as they became caught up in the magic of their wonderful wedding day. Love the yellow and white color scheme. So fresh and vibrant!


    Classic Cape Cod Weddings

    It's May! it's May, the lovely, romantic month of May. This garden at Land's End in Provincetown is the scene of being quite swept away by love. Everything just sweetly blooming and this photography by Julia Cumes has me swooning.Happy Anniversary to this beautiful couple.
    So romantic -Jack and Jackie.


    This Cape Cod Wedding officiant/minister/celebrant on Slow Ceremonies

    I love the tenor of this years' weddings. Like the slow food movement and the slow this and that, this 2015 year has ushered in the sweet, sincere and slow ceremony. Not slow in time or function but in the sense that a meal should be prepared with love and attention and then while at the table -savored.

    The first wedding of 2015 and the first wedding ever at this lovely little venue took place last Saturday.The wedding was held by the fire pit overlooking the Lewis Bay at the The Anchor In Waterfront Lodging in Hyannis.

    A real Cape Cod hidden gem for an intimate wedding.

    As the Duck boats splashed into Hyannis Harbor we waited for the bride to enter with her daughter and son. The groom's words before the vows were all lyrics from their favorite songs strung together to declare his love.

    "....Forever and forever love you with all my heart."

    She vowed to dance with him in unexpected places. So how fitting was it that they had their first dance right after being pronounced husband and wife. They took their time and slowly swayed to

    "In my life....I 've loved you more" -(they are big Beatles fans.) All in all just a lovely little wedding-Low stress- high savor except for when the marriage license almost blew away...made it a day to remember in more than one way.

    Great way to start the 2015 season


    The Sun Never Says


    Even after all this time 

    The sun never says to the earth

    You owe me.

    Look at what happens with Love like that

    It lights up the whole sky.

                       Hafiz rendered by Daniel Ladinsky


    from Organic Photography


    The Wedding Ceremony: a sacred threshold 


    “Love is unconquerable and irresistible. It goes 

    on gathering power and spreading itself until it transforms everyone it touches.”

    Meher Baba


    For love keeps stars in the firmament and 

    imposes rhythm on the ocean tides. Each of us

     was created of it, and I suspect each of us was 

    created for it.

    Maya Angelou


    Officiant: Rev. Kathleen Geagan

    Waiting for the bride the magnificant Marissa beneath a white rose trellis.
    Today a couple asked about the archway on my website. It was made by the brides' brothers. My husband has stated that now that he is retired he is going to build a driftwood threshold for soulful wedding ceremonies so keep asking and I'll keep it on his honey do list!
    Love this birch wood wedding arch for Jillan and Chris.