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    This Cape Cod Wedding Celebrant

    wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. A time devoted to the anticipation of romantic love.

    The subject tonight is love and ANTICIPATION. For all of you who are secretly anticipating a marriage proposal on this day savor this amazing moment! And remember some people want to surprise you.

    Anticipation can feel like "Keeping me waiting" as Carly Simon says.

    For some couples anticipation can feel like anxiety and these moments prior to the ceremony can be difficult.

     Here is my niece, Leah, in the moments right before she wed.

     I usually get the fun job of being with the groom and groomsmen. On occasion, I've been enlisted to calm the nerves of an anxious bride. Who wouldn't be a bit nervous? This is a big step and you're about to cross an amazing threshold.

     I have found brides who are nurses usually are 'go with the flow.' They know the difference between happy stress and distress.Maybe I just resonate with nurses since I am one. but let me give you a great example of what I mean.

     Last autumn I had a wedding in Bristol, RI. The bride is a nurse.The weather was iffy.The ceremony outside in the Blithewold Mansion garden. As the time to begin was upon us, there was great concern, for two busloads of family and guests hadn't arrived. The news came in: the only bridge to Bristol was closed due to an accident. It was astablished that all kin were fine just at a standstill. The waiting began. The guests were already in their seats outside as the afternoon mist grew heavy and the sun began to set over Mt. Hope Bay.

    A suggestion was made that the bar be open but the wedding planner wasn't sure. It was then I saw two bridemaids scurry out and back in with something hidden beneath their schawls.

    Soon, from the bridal chambers below, came a chorus of bridemaids singing in harmony-

                                           "Going to the chapel and we're going get married."

    The groomsmen petitioned the caterer. The cocktail hour commenced and the buses were soon on their way. The bride was so happy to have her grandparents there for the ceremony.

    Here are Siobhan and Jay on their surprisingly harmonious wedding day.



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