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    « Soulful Weddings: When Plan B is better than A-OK | Main | Isn't it Romantic »

    Weddings on Cape Cod: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall......

                                        The Prowers Pretty Little Winter Wedding at Chatham Bars Inn

     The winter wind has abated. It's breath warmng even though the branches are still bare and will remain so until well after any threat of snow. Most springs on Cape Cod the winter holds on tenaciously. This has been a gentle fallow season. It seems like life itself is percolating right beneath our feet; earth softening;crocuses peaking.We all say, "Yes!"

     Ceremonies in draft form like seedlings sprouting line my desktop. Today I will print out one so it takes form. Onto pretty paper words will form. The paper is from Thompson's Printing a local business in Orleans. One ream is called 'Blooming Pink' the other entitled, 'Botanical.'

    Weddings are about beauty. Close to Summer Solstice, Sarah and Justin wed at Wequassett Resort on Round Cove.

    And wedding ceremonies are about words of truth and fidelity.

     The Meaning of Marriage- Wendell Berry The meaning of marriage begins by giving our word. We cannot join ourselves to one another without giving our word….

      Consent:   Have you come here today of your own free will to give each other your word in Marriage?    “We Have.”  Please turn and take each other’s hands and share the vows of marriage.

     A marriage of words and images, symbols and rituals that make the ancient rite of marriage like the rite of spring; a testimony of hope and love that renews and transfoms everything it touches

    "For love is matchless in majesty, it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel."

    Meher Baba


     Happy New Moon Eclipse and St. Patrick's Day.  Enjoy these last days of winter before the busy as a bee days of Spring sweep in.

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      Response: Temeka M. Robison
      Justin Thompson is the person who is survivor about the cancer disease. He faces this disease two times in his life and saved
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