Classic Cape Cod Wedding Ceremonies

"We don't want anything trendy in our wedding ceremony." In a recent meeting with a couple getting married on Cape Cod, they made this request. This was not a problem for me. I haven't a clue what is trending when it comes to a nuptial rituals. But it did make me curious so I googled it.
There I discovered websites for ceremony experts who promise to banish "dull and boring" weddings. This set off alarm rather than wedding bells. Not that I endorse ennui for your ceremony. I can assure you, lackluster is not in my palette. But including novelty for novelty sake, detracts from the true meaning of marriage. Like the setting you have chosen, my sense of ceremony, tends toward classic Cape Cod charm.
But the most important quality you bring to your wedding is the trust and love you share. In a world awash with sensational insincerity, this giving your word to each other is beyond exciting; it's miraculous. It's a testimony to faith and the power of love.
'Love is patient, love is kind' yes, but it is also, as Meher Baba puts it.
Pure love is
matchless in majesty;
has no parallel in power
and there is no darkness it cannot dispel
Let's tap into that, shall we! Far from dull, is the spark of Divine Love ignited by your love and celebrated at your wedding. Let's get to it and spread some illumination around!
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