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    Entries in Brewster Weddings (19)


    "You're Sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod' Weddings

       First Encounter Beach Eastham -Weddings on Cape Cod Bay

    Alex and Kate Share a kiss at Chatham Bars Inn




    If you spend an evening you'll want to stay
    Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
    You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod 

    So many of the couples that choose to marry on Cape Cod have some connection to this beautiful place.

    Some of them are lucky to call Cape Cod home like Kristin ande Greg in the photo above. They married a year ago at the Red Jacket Resort in Yarmouth

    This Cape Cod Wedding Celebrant and her husband are blessed to live in Brewster where we have one blinking traffic light in the whole town. Things  haven't changed much since Patti Page sang about quaint little villages, winding roads,lobster stew and the moonlight over Cape Cod Bay- spend an evening you'll want to stay. Jiri and Iveta came all the way from Prague in the Czech Republic  to wed at Crosby Beach in Brewster.

    Twenty- five years ago my husband, David and I, did just that. We spent our honeymoon evenings on Cape Cod Bay and years later we decided to stay. 

    This past year I received a call from a darling bride, Heather Shea,  who asked if I was available on June 16th to preside over her 'Bloomsday' ceremony in P-town. I was and she was excited that I knew what Bloomsday was. It turned out that her fiance had done his dissertation on James Joyce’s Ulysses. She went on to say that the wedding was being held at her parents inn. We were both blown away when she said that it was the Watermark Inn- that is where my husband and I honeymooned in June of 1988.

    Now I have to back -up for you who are scratching their heads about the Bloomsday comment. For you who aren't James Joyce fans, suffice it to say, I had a great time writing and reading in my Irish brogue, 

    a stream- of- consciousness poem for Heather and Michael.

                                                              A Bit  Bloomsday:June 16th, 2012 

     With this little bit of history I ‘d like to formally welcome Mike Bryne and Heather Shea  to this Bloomsday wedding celebration day with this beautiful bride and her brilliant groom as they make fast the ties that bind. We find ourselves gathered here at the Watermark Inn, the summer dwelling place of the Family Shea, and imagine a time before, miles away, on another distant shore, a red-haired lad listened to a siren song on an Island Long. As far off but on the same coast east a  flaxen haired beauty fair wandered the beaches of Cape Cod Bay cheeks blushed with salt –spray and the scent of rosa ragosa, beach plum lipped, hair tipped with white gold from sea and sun ,  Even as wee ones the call of the tides the shifting sands of time and fate were drawing them closer unbeknownst to either of them their paths would indeed cross on yet another island  of Manhattan and lead them here to this moment in time


     and they, like so many lucky couples, would be led to wed on Old Cape Cod and someday they too, may spend an evening and want to stay.




    Ceremonies past and future 

    A blissful couple on the lawn of Highfield Hall in Falmouth .


    While cleaning and sorting e-mails I retrieved an e-amil from Liz who is getting married August 18th at Highfield Hall in Falmouth. She sent me this link to the article that appeared in Bride guide magazine.


    Mike and Liz's wedding was uniquely wonderful in many ways. (See past blog) It was a fusion of his Jewish culture and her Anglican background . They were both Canadian so signing a marriage certificate was part of the wedding and she had a very definate and exquisite sense of style being in the world of fashion herself.

    Now another Liz is getting married but this one to Darren and this will be the first wedding I have ever done at Highfield Hall   They will exchange vows outside by the newly created Zen Garden , a perfect setting for Wendell Berry's Country of Marriage themed wedding.

    The Country of Marriage

    ….our life reminds me

    Of a forest in which there is a graceful clearing

    And in that opening a house

    An orchard and garden

    Comfortable shades and flowers


      Darren and Liz have turned me on to the wonderful song, The Luckiest,

     which really is so charming and so them!


    Enough for now, The Celtics are ready to play. you have got to love Garnett and his knuckled push-ups!





    Flowers by Mary (for it was Mary, Mary long before the fashions changed)

    Flowers by Mary in Orleans at 14 Cove Rd. is a magical place. The first time I met Mary she had recently moved into her cottagey Cove Rd. Flower Shop. We hit it off immediately having a sympatico vision of what it is to be of service to couples in the wedding buisness. After this first meeting I kept encountering beautiful arrangments and bouquets at weddings where I was presiding and sure enough " for it was Mary, Mary" ( like the song) who was the couple's florist.  I began recommending her and everyone has always been happy with their flowers. They have also  found their encounter with Mary as pleasing as I do each time I stop in to see her and her beautiful new assistant, Eridania. Sounds corny but there is a good vib- magical ambiance to her shop and her work stemming from Mary herself. (I wanted to give her a good yelp review but every time I visit her she hands me a gorgeous bunch of blooms so I'm not sure if that is considered a freebie!) ( The roses in the picture were from my first visit with Mary.)


    So my point is if you haven't checked off flowers on your to do list click here Flowers by Mary click on here and see what I mean. When I was in there today they were getting flowers ready for prom nights all over the lower cape. Despite being straight out busy, the smiles and warmth made this dull damp day seem colorful and sweetly alive. And, of course, I came away with a bouquet of lavender roses.

    Thanks Mary and Edi.






    The Ravens, Rachel and Alex, seal their vows with a kiss at Crosby Beach

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