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    Entries in Rustic Weddings (1)


    November Weddings- A Time to Give Thanks "for precious things"

    This Cape Cod Wedding officiant wants to share two articles about Wendell Berry.



    The Country of Marriage


    Wendell Berry


    ….our life reminds me

    of a forest in which there is a graceful clearing


     Michele and Eric wed on Long Pasture giving their word in marriage

     The Meaning of Marriage: Wendell Berry

    The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of words. We cannot join ourselves to one another without giving our word. And this must be an unconditional giving, for joining ourselves to one another, we join ourselves to the unknown…you do not know the road; you have committed your life to a way.

    Consent:  Have you come here today of your own free will to give each other your word in Marriage?    We Have.

    Wendell Berry taught English Comp to my sister her freshman year at the University of Kentucky and danced with all of us at square dances in Monterey, after reading his poetry.

    Brian Sewell wrote this about the interview with Wendell Berry.

    Something really hit me when Berry noted in his conversation with Moyers that much of his writing has been “a giving of thanks for precious things.” It’s so easy these days to become fixated on what’s wrong with the world, and, as Berry went on to say, “it’s mighty hard right now to think of anything that’s precious that isn’t in danger.” Berry’s extensive body of work reminds us, however, to take the time to fully appreciate, love, and learn from the good and beautiful things in the world.

     Some say the institution of marriage is one of those endangered precious things. Let's fixate on what is right with this world. I am blessed to know many couples who give their word in marriage a live fully in the Country of Marriage. ( And often let me know their lineage of love has carried on into the next generation. Hooray!)

    So today,as we enter the month of Thanksgiving, we  " give thanks for precious things."