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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Try a Little Tenderness along with truth,love, purity and beauty.

     In these trying times we do get weary so let's all try a little tenderness. 'A tenderness revolution' as Pope Francis suggests. Just one of the many reasons I love presiding over weddings! The focus is on love and tenderness. No matter what culture, creed or religion. I am always so moved by the interfaith couples who respect and stay curious about each other's faith. Such beauty. A chance to elevate the whole of humanity with your love and understanding. 



    Soulful Wedding Ceremony: Mission Statement

     Elina and Yevgeny kiss beneath the wedding veil.                              Photo by Keith Berry

    Soulful Ceremonies Mission Statement

    Spreading truth, love, purity and beauty that is the mission of Soulful Wedding Ceremonies. By writing and presiding over ceremonies that remain true to the essential meaning of marriage.

    What is the essential meaning of marriage made manifest in a wedding ceremony? Let's start with 'pledging your troth' in more modern language- pledging your truth by giving your word to one another. Your promise and vow to be a faithful and loving spouse. My job is to remind you that this is what this day is all about and craft a ceremony that reflects this pure truth in a beautiful and loving way.

    The depth and sincerity of your love and devotion is the greatest wow factor any wedding ceremony can ever hope to have.  


    This Cape Cod Wedding Celebrant reflects on 2015


    It has been a sweetly sincere ceremony season. I've enjoyed presiding over

     low key weddings that leave everyone on a high note.

    "To be natural "as John O'Donohue says, "is to be holy.  I'm loving the authenticity of the couples who seek my services for weddings and later for baby blessings. So what is this quality of being authentic? I see it in my couples who talk to me not only about their wedding but their hopes for a contented married life.

    As for me I hope I am congruent and authentic in my approach to presiding over weddings. I can authentically claim to be both rustic and vintage- more and more so with each passing year. With great gratitude I come from a place of contentment after 27 years of marriage. When I get impatient with my husband he reminds me of my own words of wedding wisdom. And to be totally honest somedays I think about what I gave my word to 27 years ago. Giving your word to each other is the heart and soul of a ceremony. As Wendell Berry reminds us. "The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of our word...."

     So stay true to yourself and to one another. Allow yourself to be content and grateful as I am to all of you for making 2015 such a wonderful wedding season. 

                                    Remember: Don't Worry. Be Married and

                                                       THANK YOU

    Photos of Bryan and Allison at Borsari Gallery in Dennis

    photography by Stop Go Love http://www.stopgolove.net


    A Smooth Sailing Couple Wed at Breakwater Beach- Dan and Katie 

    Katie and her bridesmaids- All photography by Paul Blackmore Photography

    Bless these rings and the two that now wear them.


    Love and life and ladybug blessings. A vow to stay sweet as well as salty. True smooth sailing partners in life love and now marriage.


    This Cape Cod Wedding Minister/Officiant/Celebrant 

    presided over the last ceremony for this season. This sweet ending took place at Borsari Gallery as Allison and Bryan embarked on their beautiful beginning as husband and wife. As they said their vows "the sun shined warm upon" their faces and "pure were the joys surrounding" them. (from An Irish Blessing read by their Uncle Neil)

     Bryan and Allison- as husband and wife.

                   The sacred threshold welcomes Allison and Bryan into the Country of Marriage

     Liz and Pat are pictured in an engagement photo. My son was their best man as they wed in October with Grace Ceremonies presiding. Another dear and sincere couple.

              Pat and Liz Engagement       http://www.loveandperry.co


    Michael and Marie another Autumn wedding at Borsari Gallery in Dennis on Cape Cod- Rebecca Arthur Photography

    All ceremonies contain endings in order to allow for beginnings. The autumn season with its necessary endings so brilliantly on display highlights this emotional mix.

    Presiding over my Goddaughter's wedding in Indiana brought this to mind. Choosing the one to whom you pledge your lifetime is a defining act of adulthood. For parents this is always a semi-sweet moment: a true rite of passage.

    Helene DeLone, now Helene Hetrick, says it all in this photo taken in the loft of the beautiful barn where she and Zach wed. Welcome to the Country of Marrriage!


    As John O'Donohue puts it in Blessing for Marriage

    As kindly as moonlight might search the dark, 

    So gentle may you be when light grows scarce.


    And Wendell Berry answers from The Country of Marriage:

    and the dark more blessed than the light 

    as long as we stay brave enough to keep going in.


     As light grows scarce and the autumn leaves fall; as we 'cozy in' for the winter

    may all of you who have said "I do" in 2015, savor being home, as well as, coming

    home to each other.

    Don't worry. Be married!



    Rev. Kathleen Geagan

    Soulful Wedding Ceremonies