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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Hearth side at the Brewster Homestead Miranda and Michael Wed.

    So before the next storm blows into Cape Cod

     I want to spread the happy news that Michael and Miranda wed

     hearth side at their Brewster homestead. This is what I know

    in Costa Rica five years ago

    the surf was up and hanging ten toes,

    Michael spied Mirrrronda from his surf board perch

    and hit the worldwide web for words to search

    His English a bit stuttery but his words far from muttery,

    "I like your smile and, Mirrronda, I love saying your name."

     and after that- things were never the same..

     better, much better, though sometimes a sludge

    to get through red-tape to declare their love.

    So keep researching ways to express and spread a smile

    surf and fly over waves and miles,

     have a swell after swell married life

    proudly declaring,

     "this is my husband, this is my wife."

     Thank you to the amazing Julia Cumes for these wonderful photos. How lucky is Miranda ( and Mark) for having you in their lives!


    An Elopement at Pt. Reyes Beach


    Wedding Ceremonies on Cape Cod- This Celebrant wants to share

     a few more memories of fabulous couples who said "I do" in 2013.  

     This couple Adam and Lindsey wed at Sea Crest Resort in Falmouth.They not only wanted to say "I do" but also wanted to honor the way that lead them here to this moment. This is how it was said in the ceremony after the reading Blessing the Boats by Lucille Clifton

    As Lindsey and Adam’s travel from this to that they would like to take a moment to acknowledge that this is a celebration and milestone in their relationship. Their promise of being beloved partners started long before today and will grow and change after today. Today marks a crossing of a threshold and is a celebration of the deepening of this love and commitment into marriage.  They would like to acknowledge their commitment before, during and after the marriage ceremony.

    So I ask Lindsey and Adam, do you to promise to continue to be beloved partners, as you have been before, now during and after this marriage ceremony?     

                                                                “We did, we do, we will.”


     Photos by Hello Love Photography



    Let My Love Open the Door -This ceremony celebrant/officiant /interfaith minister

    came across this beautiful quote today about tears from a book entitled Love Alone Prevails- A Story of Life with Meher Baba by Kitty Davy

    "Such tears are emotional experiences, for they warm the heart, and the warm tender heart is a vehicle of the spiritual experience and the condition of the creative act."

    The rite of marriage at its best is a spiritual and creative act. It is no wonder that so many of us cry at weddings. Recently I saw a funny bridesmaid gift. It was an embroidered 'No Ugly Cry Hanky'  for the bride.  I chuckled but no bride is ever ugly, crying or showing any emotion. Never be afraid of tears, they purify and show you are in the moment. (I bring a lovely lacy hanky with me when I preside so that we are always prepared.)

    This exquiste bride, Amanda, in the photo below, wept at every one of our meetings. We also laughed really hard (who woudn't around her hilarious husband, Scott.) In this picture the bride's brother is reading Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road. Both Amanda and Scott are Jewish so Andrew was a natural for the role of co- celebrant. He took his role seriously,doing the blessing ove the wine and indeed he made us all weep. His sincerity along with his composed presence made the ceremony uniquely tender. (I was so touched that I was caught ugly crying and cropped myself from this wonderful photo by Heidi Vail Photography.)


    Cape Cod Wedding Celebrants, Officiants, Ministers

    Thank you Rebecca Arthurs and Julia Cumes for the photographs.  How do you chose what type of officiant you want to preside over your wedding? I often have couples from different faith traditions seek me out for spiritual yet not necessarily religious ceremonies. They say they want to bring some cultural aspects into the proceedings.

    As an interfaith minister with a truly unorthodox view of religions, who was raised Irish Catholic, I love to share and to learn about all kinds of traditions, religious as well as cultural. I so enjoy hearing about and working into the ceremony some little ritual that is meaningful to your particuliar family.

    Our family always sings and has a few recitations every time we gather for birthdays, graduations, weddings and yes, even at funerals- "we play the best of all." ( From McNamara's Band one of the many Irish American songs we performed as children.)

    I am blessed to belong to a family that loves to celebrate and I carry that tradition into my ceremonies.

    So I feel more like a celebrant with an interfaith seminary education than I do an officiant, although I do believe it is important to stand on ceremony and give this nuptial rite of passage its proper gravitas.

    That doesn't mean we can't have fun!



     Hello Love Photography