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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    An Interfaith Wedding Minister Muses about Fusion Ceremonies

    How to avoid confusion, when there is to be a fusion, of two religious or cultural backgrounds? How do you avoid clashes and find an authentic tone and text to your ceremony? How to keep it real while remaining sensitive to family members who hope your ceremony will be more this, less that- whatever this or that may be.

    Some couples have two ceremonies. Two ceremonies can be a beautiful, as well as, practical option. If this isn't an option then here are a few suggestions.

       Start the conversation early just between the two of you. Put all options on the table then begin discussing what is negotiable and what isn't. Have you always imagined you would wed outside, on a beach or has a church wedding been your dream?      

     Start there then tackle the trickier parts. There is a reason we don't discuss religion, money or politics in polite company...it can be divisive. Clarifying what you believe, what your spiritual framework is or isn't and how this will come forth in your ceremony is an important discussion.

    After the two of you are fairly clear then and only then begin to consider what will make your family comfortable with your ceremony. Then have some fun exploring and asking questions about family traditions. Your relatives will come alive telling you about their weddings. 


    An authentic fusion ceremony can be a marvelous meritage - a blending of two fine heritages into one fabulous marriage! 

     From the bottom up Kate and Alex wed at Chatham Bars Inn in a very literary ceremony with many readings,  Leah and Anthony say," I do" on Ridgevale Beach Chatham: a Christian wedding with Jamican/ Cape Cod Flair, Siobhan and Kirrill wed at Captian Linnell House with elements from her Irish and his Ukranian background, Lindsey, hennas her hands in a nod to her husband's Indian heritage, Kelley Chapel though originally Quaker can be used for wedding couples from all or no religious background,  in a small village outside of Madrid in Spain, Leah and Emilio say I do in the first of two ceremonies, stay tuned for the next one. This double I do wedding tradition is carried on in our own family! 


    This Interfaith Wedding Minister loves this 

      Daily practice reflection-

    One Spirit Learning Alliance 
    "... loving involves commitment. ... Love does not just happen. ... Love is a choice - ... a willingness to be present to others without pretense or guile ... a willingness to participate with others in the healing of a broken world and broken lives." 
                                                                        Carter Heywood


    At interfaith weddings, I am asked to say something about the breaking of the glass at the end of the ceremony.


    Here is one of the interpretations.
     "The crushing of the glass from which the wine of celebration has been shared is a tradition of uncertian origin that suggests many things. Perhaps it suggests that the happiness of the bride and groom is not theirs alone but a part of the universal answer to the brokenness of the world."
                                 Wine of celebration enjoyed by bride, Sarah
      Another blessing wishes that the years of happiness for these two people shall be no less than it would take to fit all the resulting fragments together again."
     Sarah and Evan and their jumping for joy wedding party! September 2011
    Suggestions about meaning of the breaking of the glass are taken from wedding ceremony sample from The New Seminary Training manuel- 2000 -Rev. Diane Berke

    This Cape Cod Celebrant loves poetry in a wedding ceremony


    Fidelity to Love- Hafiz

    Your fidelity to love, that is all you need,

    No day will then match your strength.

    What was once a fear or problem will see

    You coming, and step aside….or run.


    This fidelity to love means you now walk through life with your  true love beside you. One with whom you can laugh and cry, grow old and feel forever young. We bless you on your way-


    Photography by Julia Cumes


    Who was St. Valentine? This wedding officiant /celebrant /minister

      just read, "Valentinus, aka St. Valentine, was licensed to marry people."(from My View by Barbara Leedom in today's Cape Cod Times.)  Sadly, the poor soul ended up in jail for presiding over weddings for Roman soldiers. The powers that be didn't like their soldiers to be married.  Valentine befriended his jailer and the jailer intoduced Valentinus to his blind daughter, Julia.

    Val was nice enough to cure Julia of her blindness.  Then while on his way to the gallows, he penned her a letter, signing it, "Your Valentine."

    Wow. If I've heard this legend before it didn't resonate. St. Valentine was one of us, a Wedding Officiant. You have gotta love that.  (Unfortunately for Val, the Romans in power didn't.)

    With Valentine's day upon us romance is in air, red hearts everywhere and the subject of love- ubiquitous. From the mating habits of California Tree frogs (inside family joke) to hearing Daniel Jones, editor of the NY Times column, Modern Love talk about his new book, Love Illuminated..... my head is spinning with the subject of     (see below)

    Happy Valentine's Day.

    I need to rest my mind, awaken my heart, get off the computer and take a shower.

    My husband has just come through the door bearing the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.

                       I wish you all mad love and sweet contentment. Who could ask for more.

                   And for any of you who get engaged today hope I'll be hearing from you soon!


    Happy Valentine's Day


    "Pure love is matchless in majesty,

     it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel." 

    Meher Baba