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    Entries in Harwich Weddings (3)


    This Interfaith Wedding Minister loves this 

      Daily practice reflection-

    One Spirit Learning Alliance 
    "... loving involves commitment. ... Love does not just happen. ... Love is a choice - ... a willingness to be present to others without pretense or guile ... a willingness to participate with others in the healing of a broken world and broken lives." 
                                                                        Carter Heywood


    At interfaith weddings, I am asked to say something about the breaking of the glass at the end of the ceremony.


    Here is one of the interpretations.
     "The crushing of the glass from which the wine of celebration has been shared is a tradition of uncertian origin that suggests many things. Perhaps it suggests that the happiness of the bride and groom is not theirs alone but a part of the universal answer to the brokenness of the world."
                                 Wine of celebration enjoyed by bride, Sarah
      Another blessing wishes that the years of happiness for these two people shall be no less than it would take to fit all the resulting fragments together again."
     Sarah and Evan and their jumping for joy wedding party! September 2011
    Suggestions about meaning of the breaking of the glass are taken from wedding ceremony sample from The New Seminary Training manuel- 2000 -Rev. Diane Berke

    This Cape Cod Celebrant loves poetry in a wedding ceremony


    Fidelity to Love- Hafiz

    Your fidelity to love, that is all you need,

    No day will then match your strength.

    What was once a fear or problem will see

    You coming, and step aside….or run.


    This fidelity to love means you now walk through life with your  true love beside you. One with whom you can laugh and cry, grow old and feel forever young. We bless you on your way-


    Photography by Julia Cumes


    Spring Wedding Ceremonies-A Cape Cod Couple say, "I do." 


    May love always bring you home to each other...