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    Entries in Valentine's Day (3)


    Valentine's Day - One Month Away!

    Some people consider Valentine's Day a Hallmark holiday. I love any excuse to celebrate love!

    When I worked as a chaplain in a nursing home my favorite visit was with a woman who had been mute for many months. It was close to Valentine's Day and the halls of the home were adorned with hearts and pink cupids everywhere. Suddenly this tiny woman lifted her face, caught my eye and winked, saying clear as a bell,  "Don't you just love -love."  


                                "Big hearts always give and give in."

                                                                                     Words of Meher Baba from Love Alone Prevails p.173

    So as we commence a New Year and Valentine's Day approaches, we can embrace 'big-hearted love.' Marriage provides plenty of practice so if any of you decide to 'tie the knot' or find cupid's arrow headed towards you, give me a call and we'll plan a big-hearted, loving- love ceremony, straight from the heart.  

    Keep Happy,

    Kathleen at Soulful Wedding Ceremonies                       



    Who was St. Valentine? This wedding officiant /celebrant /minister

      just read, "Valentinus, aka St. Valentine, was licensed to marry people."(from My View by Barbara Leedom in today's Cape Cod Times.)  Sadly, the poor soul ended up in jail for presiding over weddings for Roman soldiers. The powers that be didn't like their soldiers to be married.  Valentine befriended his jailer and the jailer intoduced Valentinus to his blind daughter, Julia.

    Val was nice enough to cure Julia of her blindness.  Then while on his way to the gallows, he penned her a letter, signing it, "Your Valentine."

    Wow. If I've heard this legend before it didn't resonate. St. Valentine was one of us, a Wedding Officiant. You have gotta love that.  (Unfortunately for Val, the Romans in power didn't.)

    With Valentine's day upon us romance is in air, red hearts everywhere and the subject of love- ubiquitous. From the mating habits of California Tree frogs (inside family joke) to hearing Daniel Jones, editor of the NY Times column, Modern Love talk about his new book, Love Illuminated..... my head is spinning with the subject of     (see below)

    Happy Valentine's Day.

    I need to rest my mind, awaken my heart, get off the computer and take a shower.

    My husband has just come through the door bearing the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.

                       I wish you all mad love and sweet contentment. Who could ask for more.

                   And for any of you who get engaged today hope I'll be hearing from you soon!


    Valentine's Day Greetings from Soulful Wedding Ceremonies 

    In praise of Eros -a day that was made for lovers! There is still time to grab a marriage license and get hitched. These two hearts say it all. Hope you all made it through the storm. Here is a little prayer I often say at my weddings.


    Bless this couple as they unite in marriage and create a family.

    Please protect them and guide them through the challenges and storms of life.

    Let their days together be happy and all their words to each other sweet

    May they comfort and encourage each other in good times and bad.

    May they always know Your loving presence and find shelter in each other hearts.