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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Happy May Day 

     In the ancient Irish tradfition May Day or Beltaine was the day that couples came together to bind themselves to one another for a trial year or the returning couples decided to commit to a lifetime together. I read about this in the Peter Tremaine Mystery books.

    What stands out to me is the fact that this commitment was acknowledges publicly in a ceremony.  My thought is that hand fasting and the expression Tying the Knot had its origins in this Beltaine celebration.

     Sacred springs and honoring water , embracing Mother Earth and Mothers in general is a part of May Celebrations. As well as the time honored Maypole which my mother, Mary Lahey, claimed as her sports activity at  Packer Collegiate Institute "for cultured young ladies." So dance and sing and praise the Mother. Happy May Day !    


                                                          Engagement photo Central Park




    Sweet Simplicity: Wedding Ceremony by the Sea

    This Cape Cod Wedding Ceremony Celebrant/ Officiant/ Interfaith Minister so enjoyed presiding over this Simply Sweet and Elegant wedding in March at Chatham Bars Inn Boathouse. This couple were truly wanting to keep it simple and as stress free as possible. The only moment of stress was when the darling flowergirl didn't want to let go of her grandfather's hand for one instant. When that connection was re-established the ceremony went on with out a hitch. So now Cheryl and Jon are happily hitched. May they have many, many years of marital harmony and fun together. Thank you Kate of KML Photography http://www.kmlphotography.net/




    Weddings by the Sea- Love is Love and Love must Love 

    This Cape Cod Wedding Celebrant / officiant / interfaith minister heard the peepers singing in the woods yesterday. The park was alive with sounds of spring even if the sights of spring take their time showing up around here.

     Sometimes I am little slow on the uptake myself and I just discovered this really sweet review that Rachel wrote and I want to share it and wish her and Angel a happy 6 months anniversary.

    Planning a wedding is stressful enough, but trying to find an officiant out of state without ever meeting them makes things even more stressful. I was very nervous and she calmed me with her gentle humor and mentioned she liked the Johnny Cash ring tone. Within the first 2 minutes I knew that I had found the woman to marry us! We decided after several conversations over the phone that there would be no need to meet Kathleen before the ceremony. We met here that day as we stood on the beach at the edge of P-town and committed to one another. She speaks from the heart, embraces love as it is without judgement, and creates a ceremony that will forever be treasured. Her words are beautiful and she is a lovely, genuine person. I thank God that I found her and chose her to be a part of the most important day of our lives. She created a simply amazing ceremony. - Rachel

    As some of you may note I don't make a big splash about presiding over same gender weddings. To me it is such a given- that love is love and love must love! Being faithful to one chum ....The crossing into the country of marriage is a sacred passage and the passport requirments are a true and committed fidelity to the ONE you choose above all the rest- So welcome all who are sincerely ready to cross that threshold! and amen to that!

    And I really do like Johnny Cash. So here are gorgeous photos by Organic Photography capturing  Rachel and Angel's sweet simplicity ceremony at Race Point last Autumn.

                                  Crossing the sacred threshold into the Country of Marriaqe





    Cape Cod Soulful and Fun Weddings for All Seasons


    This Cape Cod Wedding Celebrant/officiant /interfaith Minister and her hubby have just returned from a trip to the South Seas on South Beach, Miami. Soon Cape Cod will slowly begin its transformation and one day it will suddenly be summer!




    We are on Cape Time and it is a time outside of time and spring takes its own sweet time like these sprouting succulents.









    These succulent sproutlings were the perfect symbol of a Cape Cod Spring Wedding. Emily and Jim were wed last March at Wequassett












     HAPPY ANNIVERSARY  EMILY and JIM -May your love remain new throughout all seasons! 


    Seaside Spring Weddings

     As the blizzard warnings blow in I feel compelled to post about Seaside Spring Weddings. First of all I love the alliteration, all those lovely ssssss like soft breezes, pink sand and blossoms-at this point such imaginings are survival techniques, a willingness to hope for spring .

     The Setting for another Chatham Bars Inn 'Beside the Boathouse'  wedding ceremony  

     So glad to say just last Saturday I presided over a wedding ceremony for a super smooth sailing couple- they were the ultimate of Sweet Simplicity. I had never met them but they promptly sent a deposit and their responses to the wedding questionnaire and we were off and running. They said they trusted me to put together a fitting ceremony so no necessity to see a draft.


    We met for the first time minutes before the ceremony and all was well. The bride looked so lovely she had a little white fur wrap that she bravely surrendered for the wedding ceremony. The guest numbered about eight including a bedazzling ring bearing beauty who did her duty in grand fashion. No photos yet but I'll insert the setting and some pink flowers to soothe our snow weary souls.