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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Weddings Cape Cod- Brewster- Ocean Edge- CCYC-Wellfleet

    Now your path in life, is as husband and wife- Michael and Miranda- Brewster Febuary 1, 2014

    Photography by Julia Cumes


    Mike and Liz on the beach at Ocean Edge Resort Brewster




     Not far from here Austin and Greer wed at Chequessett:a marriage let's bless it. Wellfleet Oct 2013


    Sonoma Home Wedding "Si Accepto" the Gift of Love

    A second ceremony for them, a first for me.  My niece, Leah and her husband, Emilio, were wed in a tiny village outside of Madrid last October.

     The first nuptial was  in a 14th century Catholic Church in a small village outside of Madrid.

    The second celebration and was in a 21st century graceful clearing- on top the Sonoma hills.

    A week ago on a hill overlooking he Hooley Estate vineyards they shared their vows at the family home in Sonoma, California. What we, who have been watching way too much World Cup Soccer called," Leah and Emilio's Wedding Day USA, USA, USA!!!!!." Presiding over a ceremony for a family member was a first for me. My siblings were all involved. My older brother, father of the bride and mother of his wife (Bride's mom) have been clearing land and preparing the ceremony site for months.  My brother, Brian, who has also been called on to officiate at weddings, channeled our Irish ancestors in the "Hooley Rite of Matrimony Wine Ritual" and my sister, Nancy, helped organize the bridal party and review the contents of the ceremony before rehearsing. My son played guitar with my brother, I Will and Swept Away.  It was an amazing experience to see all that goes into preparing for a wedding even with this being the second celebration. All four cousins from the Geagan side were together for the first time in years. The super full moon was fully charged as Emilio and Leah read their vows to one another reaffirming their commitment to enter more fully and deeper into the country of marriage.

    July 12, 2014





    Wellfleet Weddings on Cape Cod

    We gather here at Chequessett: a marriage, let's bless it! On Saturday another fabulous family fusion wedding took place at CYCC-Chequessett Yacht and Country Club. This setting on Wellfleet Harbor is perfect for your naturally elegant, quintessential Cape Cod Wedding Ceremony and the couples who embrace this. Here we see The Wards happily having just said,"I do. I do." beneath this Huppah/wedding arch at their fusion wedding ceremony last year. Can't wait to see some photos of Saturday's delightful nuptials which included the Seven Blessings and a Unity Candle as well as a wine ceremony and beautiful blessings from all the family!


    Cape Cod Weddings 

    My husband and I were married in Connecticut at the Rowayton Library and Community Center 26 years ago today. At the time it was our home town and just a few blocks from where we lived. It was a gorgeous evening we could hear the Lacrosse Game in the field next door. My step son even dragged his dad off for a quick game of catch as the rest of us sipped Thousand Flowers chardonney and danced the evening away.

    I have had the honor in the last few weeks to do some hometown weddings here in beautiful Brewster by the Bay.



     June 14th at 'Bloomfield' in the beautiful gardens of the bride and groom's home.


    Yesterday I presided over a wedding on Cape Cod Bay at Breakwater Beach in Brewster.

    Rainer Marie Rilke-On marriage--
    The point of marriage is not to create a quick commonality by tearing down all boundaries; on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each partner appoints the other to be the guardian of his solitude, and thus they show each other the greatest possible trust. and once the realization is accepted that even between the closest people infinite distances exist, a marvelous living side-by-side can grow up for them, if they succeed in loving the expanse between them, which gives them the possibility of always seeing each other as a whole and before an immense sky. 

    This quote was read both in German and English by the fathers. We also read Gift from the Sea with the theme of love's everchanging constant nature and how marriage is the durable seaworthy vessel that navigates the changing tides. After 26 years both these readings hold so true. 

    " a marvelous living side-by-side  "

     "through all kinds of weather, what if the sky should fall,

    just as long as were together

    it doesn't matter at all....."


    Side -by- side, wing- to- wing, oar- to- oar ....best be getting back to my hubby to watch the College World Series. And tomorrow the big soccer match then the weekends brings lots of weddings.

    More on that later.

    - Kathleen



    Radiant in Raynham: Krystal and Tom Wed at Stoneforge Tavern

    On 11-11-11 the lovely young woman who helps with this very website wed on Union Street marrying the love of her life. I was lucky enough then to preside over Bethany and Scott's wedding on that beautiful November evening. On Saturday we all met up once again to witness the happy vows of Bethany's brother, Tom, to his sweetheart, Krystal. Such joy to meet up with this great family and to watch as "love exchanged enriches everyone of us." Here are some fun photos - Bethany was the family florist for this fabulous event.

      " I picked the first cake I tasted.  I choose the first dress I tried on… like Tom- He was my first boyfriend. I didn’t need to try anything else on. He was exactly what I needed. No need to look around.  He's perfect! I picked my first and he'll be my last.  He is my home- my life.”  Krystal about Tom

     Tom said this (among many other lovely things) about Krystal ..."She is so beautiful."  


                          And now he'll be your husband now you’ll be his wife.