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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    The Ceremony: the corner stone of your wedding day.

    Happy third anniversary Bethany and Scott ! Red Rock Cornerstone


    "Thank you for helping us with and playing such an important role in the most fantastic day. We had the best time and the ceremony was the corner stone. It was everything we hoped it would be - inspirational, spiritual, grounded, loving, funny, fluid, warm - I could go on and on. We loved it. It captures us perfectly. Thank you thank you".- Mara and Kevin Movember 1, 2014


    These kind words from Mara and Kevin inspired me to think of the ceremony in a new way. I've written about how the ceremony is the heart of your wedding day. I've mused about  how it sets the tone for the rest of your big day. But this use of a structural term caught my imagination. The ceremony is the first stone in the construction of your wedding day. And more importantly, the vows and promises you make set the foundation for your future life as husband and wife. 

     The cornerstone (or foundation stone) concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.


         "Scaffolding” by Seamus Heaney

    Masons, when they start upon a building,

    Are careful to test out the scaffolding;

    Make sure that planks won’t slip at busy points,

    Secure all ladders, tighten bolted joints.

     And yet all this comes down when the job’s done

    Showing off walls of sure and solid stone.

     So if, my dear, there sometimes seem to be

    Old bridges breaking between you and me

     Never fear. We may let the scaffolds fall,

    Confident that we have built our wall.




    Pilgrim Monument, Provincetown- Jen and Joe's Wedding Setting October 2014


    Cape Cod and beyond: Weddings 2014- Have Nuptials will Travel

    First off-cape adventure was in February all to Providence, Rhode Island for Meghan and Jeff's beautiful wedding at the Providence Library.

    Next at the hearth at Stoneforge Tavern-

    Tom and Krystal 's Wedding Day in May  -Hooray!


     This  Cape Cod interfaith wedding minister/officiant/celebrant has gone off-cape and done some destination weddings in New England this past season.  Traveling to Bristol Rhode Island for Jay and Siobhan's nuptials at the Blithewold Mansion was a real adventure. I love them and I enjoyed getting to know Bristol and their wonderful family and friends.


    Then there was a trip to Maine for Ben and Allison's Wedding on the island of Southport. What a gorgeous setting for a wedding!

                                                                       Southport Island Maine

    Now as the polar vortex approaches Cape Cod I'm beginning to fantasize about some tropical island time .....a  destination winter wedding! And as Holidays approach there is no place like home. Brewster and just beyond feels right for right now!



    This Cape Cod Wedding officiant/celebrant/interfaith minister

      just finished her last scheduled wedding ceremony for 2014. Welcome to all unscheduled recently engaged or soon to be engaged couples. I'm ready and willing. This last weekend the bride and groom planned their wedding in two months with the help of Emily Coulter on Martha's Vineyard. What they couldn't plan for was the Nor'easter that blew in....but it shows so much about how a couple deals with things that are out of their control and love prevails ...and is victorious! We came inside and did the ceremony in front of the stone hearth. The guests cuddled in and welcomed this great couple into The Country of Marriage. I can't wait to see the photos.

    For now I will share this photo that I just received. Happy One Month Anniversary for Siobhan and Jay!


                         'V for victory' from Siobhan and Jay 's Wedding Day at Blithewold Mansion

                                                                           Oct 3rd, 2014

                                                                         Love always wins.



    A Soulful,Sophisticated and Fun Wedding 


     Beautiful blending of families at Borsari Gallery.



    So very soulful


    This Cape Cod wedding officiant loves presiding over small, heart-felt, soul-fun weddings especially at a venue that is so elegantly cozy like Borsari Gallery in Dennis. To be welcomed with open arms by Kathy and Bob Borsari and Tabitha too! Then the joy of seeing the bride and her beautiful blended family of six. All in it together. Yes, it was simply divine as Darah and Michael said I do and read their vows aloud on this gorgeous Autumn day. Straight from the heart!



    The Simply Divine Devines- soulful , sophisticated and so fun!

    and so fun



    May you always find your way home to each other.


    This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant/celebrant/interfaith minister

    wants to follow up on her previously posted Runaway Wedding story. The couple who had banned all wedding talk 6 months prior to their big day, married last weekend. Their tented ceremony up on the second level of the Pigrim Monument in Provincetown took place on a true Autumn day. At sunset a  clearing lifted the mist and the illumination was all the more spectacular.  Their vows brought tears to the eyes in warm and wonderful sincerity. The view of Provincetown Harbor where the pilgrims anchored and drafted the Mayflower Compact made a sense of history and place a part of their wedding day.