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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Your Wedding Vows: The Soul of your Ceremony.

     Meghan and Jeff say I Do at the Providance Library last February. What a beautiful indoor venue and the family provided such meaningful Greek touches as the Exchange of Crowns.


    The ceremony is the heart of your wedding day and I like to think of the vows as the soul of your ceremony. A big-hearted wedding ceremony always gives not only the two of you an infusion of love but allows your guests to share in the happiness of the moment. The vows are really more about the two of you and what you are about to do. A deeply felt promise to be faithful and true. 

    It is in the alchemy of the moment which cannot to forced or coerced or even captured. The reactions of the bride and groom as they take their vows are varied and often surprising: from giddy to stunned, sincere to numb, to emotional soulful fun.

    I always include in the ceremony these words before the vows:

    The Meaning of Marriage by Wendell Berry

    The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of words. We cannot join ourselves to one another without giving our word. And this must be an unconditional giving, for joining ourselves to one another, we join ourselves to the unknown…you do not know the road; you have committed your life to a way.

    and that way is with each other.....

    The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of our word.....

    Vows are a promise a giving of our word to fidelity to love. So on the days where love is more of a decision than a passionate feeling we can remember what we have given our word to ......

    When couples are writing their own vows I also include a more taditional 'I do' vow so they can be more free- form in their words to each other. 

    Often when a couple decides to write their own vows,one of them is worried that they aren't as articulate as the other. They ask me to help and if they have already filled the second page of the wedding questionnaire I have sent them, which contains such questions as, "What do you most appreciate about each other?  What does commitment mean to you? what is at the heart of your love story? "  I can cull from their reponses words of praise and promise. Then they are off and running, ready to write.


     In this photo the bride surprised her groom with a written vow on the white board behind us. She thought she would be too emotional to speak. As I recall the groom was the one who was moved to tears when he read her words.

    This wedding was in the wine cellar at Borsari Gallery in Dennis. It is  such a wonderful atmosphere for a soulful, heartfelt wedding ceremonies.

    So for those of you who are a bit shy we can always find a way to make your ceremony feel safe and warm while remaining soulful, heartfelt and even fun!



    Valentine's Day - One Month Away!

    Some people consider Valentine's Day a Hallmark holiday. I love any excuse to celebrate love!

    When I worked as a chaplain in a nursing home my favorite visit was with a woman who had been mute for many months. It was close to Valentine's Day and the halls of the home were adorned with hearts and pink cupids everywhere. Suddenly this tiny woman lifted her face, caught my eye and winked, saying clear as a bell,  "Don't you just love -love."  


                                "Big hearts always give and give in."

                                                                                     Words of Meher Baba from Love Alone Prevails p.173

    So as we commence a New Year and Valentine's Day approaches, we can embrace 'big-hearted love.' Marriage provides plenty of practice so if any of you decide to 'tie the knot' or find cupid's arrow headed towards you, give me a call and we'll plan a big-hearted, loving- love ceremony, straight from the heart.  

    Keep Happy,

    Kathleen at Soulful Wedding Ceremonies                       



    Happy New Year - Hello 2015

    Thanks to all the couples who said I do this year and to all those who took the time to vote for me as the Cape and Islands A-list best wedding officiant. I hope I can continure to live up to this lovely honor.

    We are having our first real snow right now on Cape Cod. So peaceful and romantic ( even if my hubbie is napping in front of the NFL play-off games!) I'm heading out into the evening to catch snowflakes on my tongue!

    Happy 2015 all and remember Love alone prevails and will reign supreme in 2015!





    This Cape Cod Wedding officiant awaits the return of the the light ...

    though we have been blessed on Cape Cod with beautiful late, late autumn weather. I was digging in the soft earth today getting the last of my bulbs in the ground and transplanting hardy palms and hydrangeas- Amazing! Now winter solstice is soon to arrive and the return of the light. I met with a darling couple last weekend and will be conversing with another couple who are planning their 2016 wedding. Many of you will become engaged during this holiday season and I look forward to hearing from you two,too!

    Erika and Adam say a cozy "I do." at Chatham Bars Inn last winter .



    Giving Thanks



    This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant, Celebrant, Interfaith Minister wants to thank all of you for making my job a labor of love. As Thanksgiving approaches and families gather it is a wonderful opportunity to reflect and slow down. A very wise being once reminded his close ones "Don't worry and don't hurry."

    Taking time to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have said, "I do." Each one of you who have given your word to each other promising to be true ..each of you has enriched my life greatly...so thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.