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    Entries in Summer Wedding (4)


    This Cape Cod Wedding Minister/Officiant /Celebrant wishes

    all you merrily married couples a Happy New Year. At this threshold time of year here are a few beautiful entrances into a New Life of Marriage. Bride Helene floats down from the loft on her father's arm to meet her groom, Zach.     "Soon you will say words that will carry you over a threshold in life, where you now say to the world........  


                                "..... This is my husband, this is my wife."


    May your new resolution be to Keep Happy, Stay Content and be grateful to have found the kind of love for which all men and women yearn. So may it be for all of you! Stay keen in 2016

    Damian and Amy from 2014 

    Lacy and Jeff exchange vows by the sea with happy tears and tender glee.


    As Summer Sun gives way to September- South Cape Beach to Chequessett

    As the sunsplashed days of summer gives way to September I have had the pleasure to work at some beautiful venues. Captain Linnell House in Orleans is the perfect secret garden setting for the poem Country of Marriage by Wendell Berry. The boathouse beach at Chequessett offers a seascape and rustic nautical atmosphere for Gift from the Sea by Ann Morrow Lindberg.

    I have also discovered some lovely small places like The Meadow on the Cove in Orleans overlooking the Orleans Yacht Club where of theme of  marriage as a safe harbor emerges. At that wedding we did a fisherman's knot tying ritual as part of a wedding ceremony.  I wrote an original poem for the couple bringing in this nautical theme of making fast the ties that bind. My husband, David, who was in the Coast Guard, gave me some great wording about how the ropes must be of equal strength to make the knot hold under pressure. 

    As the pictures come in from the wonderful photographers with whom I have worked such as, Julia Cumes I will post pictures. Also, I want to give a shout out to DJ Scott Rosenthal of Cape Tunes with whom I worked at Popponnessett Inn another wonderful venue just last Friday. I loved the Love Shack recessional !

     Below is a picture of Abigail and Cliff at Chequessett from last September -Happy Anniversary! 




    An Expanded View and Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!



    This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant Interfaith minister has been getting some really great inquiries for weddings lately. The first is a darlin' couple who want a Bloomsday theme for their, yes, you Joyce fans guessed it, June 16th Wedding. All kinds of syncronicity with this one: with the wedding is being held at the Inn where my husband and I honeymooned ...The lovely Watermark Inn- Provincetown but it is not only this, the bride's parents are the Innkeepers and were the Innkeepers in 1988 when we were there as newly weds. Don't you just love it! I remember the champagne and the wonderful welcome from the Shea family and stunning bayside views. It was my first trip to Cape Cod. Let me see if I can upload a picture of the view. Here's one view and an expanded one.

    The bride, Heather, said she was open to my doing the ceremony or at least the poetry bits in a stream of conciousness fashion ..I will have to consult with both the groom and the bride's father and my brother- all graduates of Notre Dame. Mike, the groom did his thesis on Ulysses and my brother recently memorized a whole section of either Finnegan's Wake or Ulysses, (I'm not sure which) to recite at his book club, to rave reviews.

     So when the bride and groom's day come June 16th the brothers and fathers and mothers and sisters gather by the sea and the sun setting over the bay on this bloomin day and the bride like Molly will be adored and the malarkey will not only fly but soar....  


