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    Entries in Wedding Vows (3)


    Happy Valentine's Day - Fidelity to Love 


    Utterly Romantic- Perfectly Flawed: Matthew and Mary Wed, at last, on Downton Abbey

    " Matthew, I know you will never be happy with anyone else, as long as Lady Mary walks this earth."

    Ahhh, I dare say Tom really saved the day when he fufilled his best man duties and spoke this words to Matthew.

    What joy to see such fidelity to the real essence of marriage. To remain true to one another even when it appears that you are worlds apart. To take a leap of faith, to be carried over the threshold into the shelter of marriage......Even when you are arguing over money ...can you imagine!

    Tom really embodied the duties of the  'best man' with his interventions to bring Mary and Matthew back together. No, they are not the perfect couple, there is really no such thing, but as Katie put it when asked about her relationship with Kevin "we are perfectly flawed." 

    Kevin and Katherine wed at Chatham Bars Inn on December 15th. Their Great Gasby meets Downton Abbey, meets Massachusetts South Shore wedding, complete with a sea glass, white hydrangea and peacock feathered theme, was utterly romantic and perfectly them.

     As I said at the end of the interview with Lynn Holgrim on Full Circle the blog of Minter and Richter Rings," Don't pressure yourself to have the perfect wedding."

     What is more memorable and meaningful is a 'perfectly you' wedding. 

     Every wedding ceremony should have a touch of spontaneity and heartfelt sincerity a few unscripted moments.  This provides a perfect counter weight to the solemnity of the vows of fidelity you are about to take. As my British groom put it,

     "We want our ceremony to be joyous but contain the proper gravitas." 

    Weddings like every unique couple have an alchemy all their own.

    Mary and Matthew certianly do and did, as they said, "I do."



    For all you Downton Abbey enthusiasts out there. Here is some reassurance.


     "Back in November, NBC ordered a drama called “The Gilded Age” from Julian Fellowes, the creator of “Downton.”

     For public television, too, “the success of ‘Downton’ has increased the number of projects in the pipeline like it,” Ms. Eaton said.

    Fear not, “Downton” fans: a fourth season is in production.


    The Essence of Marriage 

     The Ravens wed on a blustery March 28th, making their fireside vows all the more intimate and cozy.

    'Monogamy' now there's a word you don't hear much about anymore: Not even in the wedding biz.  

    "It's pertinent to the situation" we all decided, as Rachel and Alex said their " I do's" and used this word as a promise to be true.


    The Meaning of Marriage by Wendell Berry

     The meaning of marriage begins with the giving of words. We cannot join ourselves to one another without giving our word.


    In giving our word to one another we " promise to stay connected and faithful in body, mind and spirit." That is how another couple put it when asked what commitment meant to them.

     In these times when many couples live together before marrying, this commitment to be faithful is even more pertinent. Now you are not just sharing a house, you are creating a home. 

     It is a powerful promise, this giving your word to be true, to the one you cherish above all others. 


    "I plight thee my troth" alas....at last, what a blessed relief.


    (This reflection was inspired by The Ravens: Rachel and Alex, Anna and Will and the self- proclaimed  'Internationally Unknown Poet'- Thomas Lynch.)