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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    The Magnificant Moxams: May you all know how deeply you are loved.

    Sister s


    Happy Anniversary Ben and Kathleen 



    May your love be a catalyst for more love, more laughter, and more light.  May this light and love carry on into next generation.

    (And what beautiful next generation you have with Mr. Milo)




     Three years ago today!! Happy anniversary Kat and Ben!!   Now with little Milo!

    Kathleen, do you choose this man, Benjamin, to be your wedded husband, to share your life with him and do you pledge to love, honor and care for him with tenderness, patience, and affection as long as you both shall live?

     “I do”


    Benjamin, do you choose this woman, Kathleen, to be your wife, to share your life with her and do you pledge to love, honor and care for her with tenderness, patience and affection as long as you both shall live?

     “I do”



    Happy # 3 Anniversary for Eric and Michele


          A sunflowered celebration of marriage at Long Pasture overlooking Cape Cod Bay. This couple has been busy as you'll see inthe photos below. 



     What a joy to bless their twins, Ryan and Cameron, back at Long Pasture.                                      


     “We bless these twins, Ryan and Cameron, with the elements of our common being, with earth, air, fire and water.

     With earth, which is solid as your given frame, my children, we bless you. Take care of yourself as a body, be good to yourself,  for you are a good gift.

     With air, which is as fluctuating as your given passion, my children, we bless you. You will know sorrow and joy, rage and contentment, resentment and ecstasy. Feel your passions, my children,   they are good gifts.

     With fire, which is as illuminating as your given intelligence, my children, we bless you. Reason with care, test the world, think with care, for your mind is a good gift.

     With water, which is as clear as your spirits, my children, we bless you. Grow in conscience, be rooted in good stories, grow spiritually,  for spirit is a good gift.”

                                                 -Mark Belletini, in Life Prayers







    May the long time sun shine upon you,


     all love surround you

     and the pure light within you


     guide your way home.



    Happy Anniversary Michele and Eric as times flies by!


    Brides being carried over the sacred threshold



    She ain't heavy she's my wife!



    Love can grow in the real world       



    And a new life built on the learning of the old.

    This is the reason for our gathering today:

    to renew our faith

    in the strength of hope

    and the power of love.


    "Kathleen was down to earth and mindful of my and my husbands wishes and thoughts. She wrote a beautiful poetic ceremony by combining what she learned from each of us. She has a gentle kind aura and made our day very special." Mary, the bride 






    Wedding Celebrants and Interfaith Ministers 

     This messge comes from my daily refection with the One Spirit Learning Alliance. I graduated from the New Seminary in 2000 but now associate with the One Spirit Learning Alliance. Rev. Diane Berke was the director at The New Seminary then went on to create One Spirit Learning Alliance which resonates with my path as an Interfaith minister and Wedding Celebrant. This reading reminds all of us of how vitally important it is to tend our own souls in order to seek union with another. Love it!

    Daily Practice 6
    September 16, 2013

    If we are to live without silencing or numbing essential parts of who we are, a vow must be invoked and upheld within oneself. The same commitments we pronounce when embarking on a marriage can be understood internally as a devotion to the care of one's soul: to have and to hold ... for better or for worse ... in sickness and in health ... to love and to cherish, till death do us part. 
    This means staying committed to your inner path. This means not separating from yourself when things get tough or confusing. This means accepting and embracing your faults and limitations. It means loving yourself no matter how others see you. It means cherishing the unchangeable radiance that lives within you, no matter the cuts and bruises along the way. It means binding your life with a solemn pledge to the truth of your soul.

    Mark Nepo, 

    The Book of Awakenin