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    Entries in Cape Cod Officiants (11)


    September Wedding in Orleans 




    This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant /Celebrant / Interfatih Minister was so happy to see photos from Ed and Ellen's Wedding . They are the sweetest most sincere and heartflet couple. When I was leaving the Orleans Inn Parking lot after the smile -filled ceremony Ed, the groom  came running up to me with a huge pumpkin in his hands. This spontaneous gesture says it all. He is so grateful for his beautiful wife ,

    Ellen  "and his good heallth and a long life in the company of friends and family."


    Thank you for these beautiful photos from Jonathon Daisy Photography.




    Happy # 3 Anniversary for Eric and Michele


          A sunflowered celebration of marriage at Long Pasture overlooking Cape Cod Bay. This couple has been busy as you'll see inthe photos below. 



     What a joy to bless their twins, Ryan and Cameron, back at Long Pasture.                                      


     “We bless these twins, Ryan and Cameron, with the elements of our common being, with earth, air, fire and water.

     With earth, which is solid as your given frame, my children, we bless you. Take care of yourself as a body, be good to yourself,  for you are a good gift.

     With air, which is as fluctuating as your given passion, my children, we bless you. You will know sorrow and joy, rage and contentment, resentment and ecstasy. Feel your passions, my children,   they are good gifts.

     With fire, which is as illuminating as your given intelligence, my children, we bless you. Reason with care, test the world, think with care, for your mind is a good gift.

     With water, which is as clear as your spirits, my children, we bless you. Grow in conscience, be rooted in good stories, grow spiritually,  for spirit is a good gift.”

                                                 -Mark Belletini, in Life Prayers







    May the long time sun shine upon you,


     all love surround you

     and the pure light within you


     guide your way home.



    Happy Anniversary Michele and Eric as times flies by!


    Until there was you- Nikki and Adam say, "I do" at the Dennis Inn

    The rainy weather on Saturday brought the Garden wedding ceremony inside at the Dennis Inn. With the help pf the staff and the bride's innate sense of DIY creativity the outside ceremony transformed into a  magical indoor intimate ceremony in front of the hearth. The birch branches were lined with sparky lights that gave the entire room a romantic warmth.

    Nikki and Adam were full of both sincerity and a bit of mischief which made for a wonderful, relaxed yet

    real exchange of vows. When I described them as a "Real Cape Cod Couple" Nikki's sister the maid of

    honor chided in "With a touch of Taunton."


    Marriages to Marriages from "In Rain" by Wendell Berry

    "let the rain come,

    the sun , and then the dark

    for I will rest

    in an easy bed tonight."


    It's May It's May ..Cape Cod Wedding Days

    It's May-devoted to mothers from mother earth to Mother Mary. A time to play in the gardens,  celebrate Beltaine, tie the knot and break into song and slow dance with your brand new husband.