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    Entries by Soulful Wedding Ceremonies (260)


    Happy Thanksgiving: We Thank You Now for Love


     This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant / Celebrant /Interfaith minister wants to say thank you to all the couples who I have had the privledge of presiding over these past 13 years.  My life is so rich and blessed and all of you have contributed to this bounty of love. At this time of Harvest and Thanksgiving  we gather together to give thanks for love.


     We Thank You Now for Love   

     WE thank you now for love, the great miraculous gift of love.

    For love in the body that comforts,

    for love in the emotional body that delights, frustrates and instructs,

    for the love of our sacred circle of friends,

    for love in the spirit beyond all walls and wounds, bounds and ends.

      Love, we thank you for love, love that stirs and soothes us,

    love that gathers us into all joy and delivers us from all brokenness.

    Love that hears the soundless language,

    love that imagines and dreams,

    that can conquer all and willingly surrenders everything.


    Love that brought us into our lives and love that will carry us home

    to each other.


     Daphne Rose Kingma   


     Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!


    Soulful Wedding Ceremonies


    Late Autumn and Winter Weddings on Cape Cod 

    This Cape Cod Wedding Officiant/ Celebrant/ Interfaith minister was just chatting with her dear friend who now lives in Texas. Meredith, my friend, was stunned when I said my outdoor wedding season on Cape Cod was not yet over. In fact, on Wednesday I'll be presiding over a wedding outside at Chatham Bars Inn. In the photos below, taken by Stacy Hedmond last year in December, Kerry and Edward say, "I do."  I much prefer the cool breezes with a few goosebumps to the scorching heat of midsummer. So my friend, send those mink wraps and let the winter wonderland weddings begin !



    First wedding of 2013 at Wequassett Resort 

     Jim and Emily - Early spring wedding at  Wequassett Resort on Cape Cod . It was a great way to begin the beguine of the 2013 season .Photo

    Photography by Studio K - Orleans Kim Rielly


    The time has come to cross- Naturally Elegant Wedding Ceremonies

    Key Thresholds “It is wise in your own life to be able to recognize and acknowledge key thresholds: to take your time; to feel all the varieties of presence that accrue there; to listen inward with complete attention until you hear the inner voice calling you forward. The time has come to cross.”    John O’Donohue from 'To Bless the Space between Us'